Could we see this look in the 18th tower anytime in the future?

Could we see this look in the 18th tower anytime in the future?

I don’t have any scoop or knowledge of this happening, but hearing Phil Mickelson’s press conferences (where he’s apt to pretty much tell you whatever is on his mind) makes me think that, quietly, CBS and NBC (or Fox) people must be contemplating how big of a Brinks truck to back up at Stately Mickelson Manor once he retires from the game.  Either that or he becomes one of those Silicon Valley venture capitalists while hosting a weekly gambling podcast.

With so many major championships seemingly decided (or heavily influenced) by weather (seemingly one half of the draw gets a far better deal than the other half), I wonder if a more equitable approach might be re-pairing after the first round (the Masters used to do this), and drawing tee times for the first round out of a hat?  You can pull an A player, B player, and C player out of a hat (much like how FIFA do the final draw for the World Cup), and assign tee times in that order?  Or do the draw for both round 1 and round 2?  I know that the TV people would complain but I don’t like having one half of the draw being given a huge disadvantage because of weather.

Really hoping that slower green speeds at Troon isn’t causing anyone to have a sad or something.